Diverse is an independent organisation run for and by people that identify as Autistic in the Bristol, Bath and North East Somerset, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire area.
Diverse runs activities for people to attend organised by people that identify as Autistic.
We want to grow a friendly neuro-diverse connected community through social activities, interests and social media.
You can make contact online through social media. Facebook and Marie@diverseuk.org
Follow us on Instagram
Everything DiverseUk in one simple link!!
Social Groups
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01/01/2025 12:00 PM
05/01/2025 12:00 PM
Diverse UK Drag Workshop Social
<h2><b>** Coming in 2025!! **</b></h2><p></p><p>We have an exciting new project.</p><p>Many people who are neurodivergent are also friends of the LGBTQ+ world.</p><p>We are setting up some Drag workshops which we’ll be running <b>January to May 2025.</b></p><p>The three workshops will be run by experienced performers and give you the skills and confidence in using your body to create stage presence through dance etc…</p><p>Another workshop will focus on costume design and makeup and a third workshop will look at extending your singing and voice projection.</p><p>The project will culminate in a wonderful fun event which can involve performance for those who wish to perform.</p><p>The workshops are likely to be in <b>Centrespace, 6 Leonard Lane, BS1 1EA</b> which is a venue in central Bristol and accessible for all.</p><p>If you are interested in any way in the workshops and / or performance write DRAG to <b>07795490730 or hello@diverseuk.org</b></p>
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01/01/2025 02:00 PM
01/01/2025 04:00 PM
The Diverse Creative Writing Social
<p>Creative writing is a small group for people who write regularly. It is run by Sally Hare and group members.</p><p>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++</p><h3>Diverse Bristol Creative Writing Group is currently full. For more information, or to be added to the waiting list please email <a href="mailto:sally@diverseuk.org">sally@diverseuk.org</a></h3><p>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++</p><p>Location: Bishopston Library, Bristol North Baths, Gloucester Rd, Bristol BS7 8BN</p><p>Date: Usually meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month, but this is subject to change. Members will be made aware of any changes.</p><p>Start time: 2:00 PM</p><p>End time: 4:00 PM</p><p>Website: <a href="https://bishopstonlibrary.org.uk/">Bishopston Library</a></p><p></p><p>Diverse Creative Writing Group anthology launch was on 10th December at Bishopston Library.</p><p>Diverse UK co-hosted a wonderful celebration of neurodiverse creativity with The Friends of Bishopston Library on 10th December, when the Diverse UK Creative Writing Group launched their first ever anthology, Diverse Minds, on their ‘home turf’. Around 50 people attended including friends, family, representatives of the Library service and My Community, Director of Diverse UK Andrew Powell, and special guest Alderman Clare Campion-Smith to hear members of the group share their creative worlds. After the relaxed, neurodiverse-friendly reading, attendees enjoyed mince pies provided by the Friends, and took their newly bought copies of the anthology to be signed by the authors themselves.</p><p>The group has been meeting monthly for eight years now. Originally situated in Bristol Central Library, it has made Bishopston Library its home since 2018. The group is currently full with a waiting list, but Diverse UK is looking to form a second group in the near future. For more information on the writing group or a copy of the anthology (suggested donation £3 plus postage) email <a href="mailto:sally@diverseuk.org">sally@diverseuk.org</a>.</p>
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02/05/2025 07:00 PM
02/05/2025 10:00 PM
Wednesday Night's Thornbury Pub Group
<h2><b>South Glos Aspies Pub Group</b></h2><hr/><p>Come and meet us at the The Royal George Pub in Thornbury.</p><p></p><p>Date: Every Wednesday</p><p>Start time: From 7:00 PM</p><p>End Time: 10:00 PM</p><p>Location: The Royal George Pub, 7 The Plain, Thornbury, Bristol BS35 2AG</p><p>Website: <a href="https://www.classicinns.co.uk/the-royal-george-thornbury">The Royal George</a></p><p></p><p>You can arrive anytime, and there is great quality food and drinks available.</p><p>It is a friendly and relaxed social event. It is aimed at those that identify as on the spectrum.</p><p>Please feel free to bring a friend or PA for support if necessary.</p><p></p><p>For more information please contact <a href="mailto:robert.whgraham@gmail.com">Robert Graham</a></p><p></p><p>Upcoming Dates</p><hr/><p></p><p></p><ul><li>Wednesday 5th February 2025</li><li>Wednesday 12th February 2025</li><li>Wednesday 19th February 2025</li><li>Wednesday 26th February 2025<br/><br/><br/></li></ul>
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02/10/2025 01:00 PM
02/10/2025 03:00 PM
Diverse South Bristol Football Fun Club
<h3><b>Diverse South Bristol Football Fun Club ** New Year - New Venue **</b></h3><hr/><p></p><p>The new venue is Horfield Leisure Centre.</p><p></p><embed alt="Horfield-Leisure-Centre.jpg" embedtype="image" format="left" id="232"/><p></p><p>It will take place on the 2nd Monday of every month.</p><p>Start time: 1:00 PM (Please arrive around 12:45 PM)</p><p>End time: 3:00 PM</p><p>Location: Dorian Road, Horfield BS7 0XW</p><p>Website: <a href="https://www.everyoneactive.com/centre/horfield-leisure-centre/">Horfield Leisure Centre</a></p><p></p><hr/><p>Spaces are limited, but more information, text Alistair 07702677783 with your name.</p><p>If you have any questions please email <a href="mailto:Harry@diverseuk.org">Harry</a> at Diverse.</p><hr/><p></p><p>The Diverse team competed in a Mental Health football tournament run by AWP. They played 8 games and finished 3rd out of 5 teams. It was a great effort as it was the first time we had played competitive fixtures. We continue to have fun playing on a 5 aside pitch once a month.</p><p>Diverse Football will be playing a couple of matches. The Upcoming date is : Tuesday 16th January at 7pm against Bristol City.</p><p></p><embed alt="5aside.jpg" embedtype="image" format="fullwidth" id="225"/><p></p><p></p><hr/><p></p><p><b>Upcoming date for your diary.</b></p><p></p><p></p><ul><li>Monday 10th February 2025</li><li>Monday 10th March 2025</li></ul>
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02/11/2025 06:00 PM
02/11/2025 09:00 PM
Diverse Bristol Pub Social + Optional Quiz
<h4><b>Pub Quiz at Bristol Pub Meal Group!</b></h4><p></p><p>We meet on the second Tuesday of the month.</p><p>There is also a fun quiz to take part in if you wish. You can come along with a friend or alone, it is up to you. There is space to drink inside or outside by the river (weather permitting!).</p><p></p><p>Location: <b>Toto’s By the River Wine Bar (downstairs)</b>.</p><p>Address: Communications House, 125 Redcliff St, Redcliffe, Bristol BS1 6HU</p><p>Facebook: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/totosbytheriver/">totoswinebar</a></p><p></p><p>Start time: 6:00 PM</p><p>Quiz start time: 7:30 PM</p><p>End time: 9:00 PM</p><p>Contact: Robin Tucker will be hosting/ Quizmaster</p><p></p><p>Play alone or in teams with those on your table, or not at all!, playing is optional.</p><p>We have booked a large area of the downstairs inside area, we also have under cover outside seating by the river.</p><p>We now have the capacity for 50 people!</p><p>The downstairs is wheelchair accessible and has accessible disabled toilets.</p><p>Food and drink are available at very reasonable prices.</p><p></p><p>Link to <a href="https://www.facebook.com/totosbytheriver/">Toto's by The River facebook page</a></p><p></p><p>Bare in mind that the kitchen closes at 9pm so please arrive with time to spare.</p><p>If you have any questions please email <a href="mailto:Marie@diverseuk.org">Marie@diverseuk.org</a></p><hr/><p></p><p>Upcoming dates for your diary</p><p></p><p></p><ul><li>Tuesday 11th February 2025</li><li>Tuesday 11th March 2025</li><li>Tuesday 8th April 2025</li><li>Tuesday 13th May 2025</li><li>Tuesday 10th June 2025</li></ul><p></p><p></p><p></p><hr/><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>
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02/11/2025 07:30 PM
02/11/2025 10:30 PM
Hidden Gems Bowling Social
<h4>Welcome members of Hidden Gems and Diverse!</h4><hr/><p></p><p>We are delighted to help promote the Hidden Gems Hollywood Bowling Social.</p><p>Jonathon Broadbent and his mother Julie, are the group leaders.</p><p>The event takes place twice monthly at the Hollywood Bowl, Cribbs Causeway,</p><p>Location: The Venue, Merlin Rd, Patchway, Bristol BS10 7SR</p><p></p><p><a href="https://www.facebook.com/HWBBristolCribbsCauseway/">Hollywood Bowl Facebook Page</a></p><p><a href="https://www.hollywoodbowl.co.uk/bristol-cribbs-causeway?utm_source=local&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=gmb&utm_content=BRIS">Hollywood Bowl Website</a></p><p>Start Time: 7:30 PM</p><p>End Time: 10:30 PM</p><p></p><p>If you have any questions please email <a href="mailto:jbroadbent89@gmail.com">Jonathon</a> or take a look at the <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/781767846154653">Hidden Gems</a> Facebook Page to check for event dates.</p><p></p><p>Marvellous prizes to be won!</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>
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02/12/2025 04:15 PM
02/12/2025 06:30 PM
Diverse Bristol ROXY Lanes - American Indoorsports Social
<h4><b>The Diverse Bristol ROXY Lanes American Indoor Sports Social</b></h4><p>!! PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THIS EVENT IS IN A LOUD ENVIRONMENT, THERE ARE ALSO LOTS OF LIGHTS AND SCREENS!!</p><p>Facebook page: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/RoxyLanesBristolUnionStreet">Roxyballroom</a></p><p>Website: <a href="https://www.roxyballroom.co.uk/bristol/">Roxyballroom</a></p><hr/><p>Occurs every second Wednesday of the month.</p><p>Start time: 4.15 PM</p><p>End Time: 6:30 PM.</p><p>We meet in the bar area anytime from 4.15pm.</p><p>Games will start around 4:30pm.</p><p>The group leader is Jo Clough with Amy assisting.</p><p>Amy and Jo will be there to greet you and assist with the evenings activities.</p><p>Activities may change slightly each month.</p><p>Please bring along a card for payment to cover the games, it will be £5 for a single game and £10 for 2 Games. Please do not bring cash.</p><p>Amy or Jo will have a portable card reader machine to be able to take card payments.</p><p>Food and drink are available at reasonable prices.</p><p>Here is a link to the food <a href="https://roxyleisure.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/RBR_Menu_WEBSITE.pdf">menu</a></p><p><b>This an over 18's only event due to the licensing of the venue</b>.</p><p>If you have any questions please email <a href="mailto:jo@diverseuk.org">jo</a> at Diverse</p><p></p><p>Upcoming dates for your diary</p><hr/><p></p><p></p><ul><li>Wednesday 12th February 2025</li><li>Wednesday 12th March 2025</li><li>Wednesday 9th April 2025</li><li>Wednesday 14th May 2025</li><li>Wednesday 11th June 2025</li></ul><p></p>
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02/12/2025 05:30 PM
02/12/2025 09:00 PM
Diverse Bath Cinema Social
<h2><b>Diverse Bath Cinema Social</b></h2><hr/><h3></h3><p>The group meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.</p><p>Cinema: <a href="https://www.odeon.co.uk/cinemas/bath/">ODEON Bath, Kingsmead Leisure Complex, James St West, Bath BA1 2BX</a></p><p>The social starts from 5:30 PM over the road in the Bath Brewhouse, 14 James St W, Bath, BA1 2BX.</p><p>Start time: 5:30 PM</p><p>End Time: 9:00 PM</p><p>Website: <a href="http://thebathbrewhouse.com/">Bath Brew House</a></p><p></p><p>Contact: Ambrose Nankivell is the group leader , Ambrose will be wearing his black Diverse t-shirt so he will be easily recognisable.</p><p>The Social starts at 5:30 pm, however depending on which film you decide to watch, you can arrive when you like.</p><p>People are welcome to have a few drinks and some food if you want to, until film adverts start.</p><p>Film choices will be made available nearer the time.</p><p>Some of you may want to sit together during a film others may want to sit alone.</p><p></p><p>You can sign up for myODEON Saver Ticket:</p><p><a href="https://diverseuk.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=78f338fed09fad2d702d9be46&id=7857c6ce8d&e=0bfaed11ba">https://www.odeon.co.uk/offers-membership/myodeon/</a></p><p></p><p>myODEON Saver tickets are available on selected showings Tuesday-Sunday and all-day on Member Monday’s, with prices starting from only £6*.</p><p>myODEON Saver tickets are only available to members.</p><p></p><p><b>There is no need to book.</b></p><p></p><p><b>Upcoming group dates for your diary</b></p><hr/><p></p><p></p><ul><li>Wednesday 12th February 2025</li><li>Wednesday 12th March 2025</li><li>Wednesday 9th April 2025</li><li>Wednesday 14th May 2025</li><li>Wednesday 112th June 2025</li></ul><p></p><p></p>
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02/13/2025 01:00 PM
02/13/2025 05:00 PM
Diverse Bristol Arts & Crafts Social
<p></p><p></p><embed alt="WhatsApp Image 2023-06-21 at 10.34.42.jpeg" embedtype="image" format="fullwidth" id="200"/><p></p><p>We have changed venue to Toto's By The River</p><p>Location: <b>Toto’s By the River Wine Bar</b> .</p><p>Start time: 1:00 PM</p><p>End time: 5:00 PM</p><p>Facebook:<a href="https://www.facebook.com/totosbytheriver/">toto's by the river</a></p><p></p><p></p><p>We are having to change venue to Toto's By The River, The Landing, 125 Redcliff St, Redcliffe, Bristol BS1 6HU.</p><p>We have hired the upstairs area.</p><p>The Mana House have unfortunately changed their opening time to 4pm - therefore I have changed the venue.</p><p>Arrive anytime from 1pm, but please be aware that we will be packing down around 4.30pm.</p><p>There will be a few creative materials provided.</p><p>However if you prefer to feel free to bring along things that you would like to do and create.</p><p>The group leader is Duncan & the group assistant is Alex Kyriacou.</p><p>If you have any questions please email <a href="mailto:Marie@diverseuk.org">Marie</a></p><p></p><p>Upcoming group dates for you diary</p><hr/><p></p><p></p><ul><li>Thursday 13th February 2025</li><li>Thursday 13th March 2025</li><li>Thursday 10th April 2025</li><li>Thursday 8th May 2025</li><li>Thursday 12th June 2025</li></ul><p></p><p></p>
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02/17/2025 03:00 PM
02/17/2025 06:00 PM
Diverse and Coexist Kitchen free cooking sessions
<p>We have very exciting news - Diverse has teamed up with the lovely friendly people at Coexist Kitchen to do some fun FREE cooking sessions at.</p><p>Location: Coexist Community Kitchen CIC</p><p>Mivart Street Studios, </p><p>Unit 10 Epstein Building,</p><p>Bristol. BS5 6JF</p><p></p><p></p><p><b>There are more sessions starting in 2025. Get in touch to book your place using the details below.</b></p><p></p><p>Learn new cooking skills with friendly supportive kitchen staff.</p><p>All sessions are free.</p><p>All diets and allergies catered for.</p><p>All ingredients are provided for free and you will be helped with every step of the cooking process.</p><p>Best of all you get to eat what you cook, either with the group or you could even take the food home with you!</p><p></p><p>For more info on dates and times text COOK to<b> 07795 490730</b> or email <b>matt@diverseuk.org</b></p><p></p><hr/><p>Upcoming dates for your diary</p><p></p><p></p><ul><li>17th February: 15:00 – 18:00</li><li>17th March: 15:00 – 18:00</li><li>24th April: 10:00 – 13:00</li><li>13th May: 10:00 – 13:00</li><li>17th June: 15:00 – 18:00</li></ul>
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02/17/2025 05:00 PM
02/17/2025 09:00 PM
Diverse Bristol Cinema Social
<h2><b>Diverse Bristol Cinema Social</b></h2><hr/><h3>The Diverse Bristol Cinema Social is located at the Odeon Cinema in Union Street</h3><p>The group meets on the 3rd Monday of each month.</p><p></p><hr/><p><i>Hello, Diverse members. This is Ryan with a quick announcement.</i></p><p></p><p><i>Next Monday ( 17th June 2024 ), the cinema event will start from 5 pm until roughly 7 pm inside Brewer's Fayre.</i></p><p><i>Unless a member wishes for me to be their chaperone for the Bristol Odeon, I won't watch a film this month.</i></p><p><i>For those who request a chaperone, e-mail me at ryan@diverseuk.org. I need notice at least a day prior to this event.</i></p><hr/><p></p><p>Location: ODEON Bristol Cinema, Union St, Bristol BS1 2DS</p><p>Meeting Place: Brewers Fayre, Lewins Mead, Bristol BS1 2PY</p><p>Start time: 5:00 PM</p><p>End Time: 9:00 PM</p><p>Website: <a href="https://www.odeon.co.uk/cinemas/bristol/">ODEON Bristol Cinema</a></p><p>Contact: Ryan McGrath is the group leader .</p><p>Ryan will be wearing his Diverse UK T-Shirt so you’ll be able to recognise him!</p><p></p><p>The cinema social starts from 5pm, however depending on which film you decide to watch you can arrive when you like (although before 7:15pm)</p><p>We will meet & convene at the Brewers Fayre, Lewins Mead BS1 2PY from 5pm to 7:15pm so that you can socialise whilst Ryan marks your attendance.</p><p>You can have a chat, a few drinks & food if you like until your chosen film starts.</p><p>Some of you may want to sit together during a film others may want to sit alone. After your film, some of you may like to hang out in the small entrance area.</p><p>Feel free to take in your own food & non-alcoholic drinks in if you are trying to save money. Make sure that the beverages are in plastic containers, such as a coke bottle (taking in your own alcohol isn't allowed within the cinema group).</p><p>You can use the discussion tab on the Facebook Events page to discuss what films you might like to see.</p><p>Unfortunately there are no accessibility features although we were told that if the staff can help in anyway they will</p><p>Here are links to some photos & information of the stairs & other building features:</p><p><a href="https://www.accessable.co.uk/odeon/access-guides/odeon-bristol?fbclid=IwAR1T63bqn5pOGzMUK0O9pe8AJeTqNRozepK5j8MzqFnUWJVY79NfV9W6GJg#608b1882-386f-b440-bec4-8fe12f49ad19">https://www.accessable.co.uk/.../access.../odeon-bristol...</a><br/><a href="https://www.accessable.co.uk/odeon/access-guides/odeon-bristol?fbclid=IwAR3dEcOA5jzvnAiZkKVGgwdQ2GL-aeMifASWE0kgibW2if8ycKNzV71hRRI#89e44c2a-9a52-624c-af75-dfc1f2297704">https://www.accessable.co.uk/.../access.../odeon-bristol...</a></p><p></p><p>Ryan has kindly offered to be a chaperone to any member whom feels vulnerable. Follow this link to email <a href="mailto:ryan@diverseuk.org">Ryan</a></p><p></p><p><b>There is no need to book.</b></p><p></p><p>ODEON offers savings & benefits to those who hold either an Odeon membership, books online or through the myODEON app or a CEA card on weekdays.</p><p><a href="http://www.odeon.co.uk/offers-membership/?fbclid=IwAR1ZaEFALBFOL6x9CN7Qjeo8vT4aKuW6unFoRBfYJU3gGDPkKZz3Wts75dg">www.odeon.co.uk/offers-membership/</a><br/><a href="http://www.ceacard.co.uk/online-application/about?fbclid=IwAR2zpO3uxA2fN7NOVM91fxgJ6qGh1Ja4Z5PNVbMSHcuo26pdSGZBR_KpsCQ">www.ceacard.co.uk/online-application/about</a><br/>Also, take advantage of any discounts if you are currently a student.</p><p>Brewers Fayre also have a loyalty card & you may be able to get a discount on your first meal: <a href="http://www.brewersfayrebonusclub.mobi/?fbclid=IwAR3hNBU30Ihgb3FoUTE-Cgu9TvS_CZlEiovV5taDIOiHMq0SPTI8UXj1ctY">www.brewersfayrebonusclub.mobi</a></p><p></p><p>You can sign up for myODEON Saver Ticket: <a href="https://diverseuk.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=78f338fed09fad2d702d9be46&id=7857c6ce8d&e=0bfaed11ba">https://www.odeon.co.uk/offers-membership/myodeon/</a></p><p>myODEON Saver tickets are available on selected showings Tuesday-Sunday and all-day on Member Monday’s, with prices starting from only £6*.</p><p>myODEON Saver tickets are only available to members.</p><h4></h4><embed alt="Bristofilmclub.jpeg" embedtype="image" format="fullwidth" id="221"/><p></p><p></p><p>The cinema social starts from 5:00 pm, however depending on which film you decide to watch you can arrive when you like.</p><p>We will convene at the Brewers Fayre in Lewins Mead from 5:00pm to 7pm, so that you can socialise a little whilst I mark you all down in attendance.</p><p>You can have a chat, a few drinks and food if you like until your chosen film starts.</p><p>The selection of films will be made available nearer in advance in the discussion tab on this event page.</p><p>Some of you may want to sit together during a film others may want to sit alone.</p><p>Some of you may like to stay after your film and hang out in the entrance area, or you can leave when your film ends</p><p>Feel free to take in your own food and non-alcoholic drinks in, if you are trying to save money.</p><p>Make sure that the beverages are in plastic containers, such as a coke bottle. (Taking in your own alcohol isn't allowed within the cinema group)</p><p></p><p><b>Upcoming group dates for your diary</b></p><hr/><p></p><p></p><ul><li>Monday 17th February 2025</li><li>Monday 17th March 2025</li><li>Monday 21st April 2025</li><li>Monday 19th May 2025</li><li>Monday 23rd June 2025</li></ul><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>
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02/18/2025 01:00 PM
01/21/2025 04:00 PM
Diverse Bristol Photography Walk
<h3><b>Diverse Photography Walking Social</b></h3><p></p><p>Date: Takes place on the third Tuesday of each month.</p><p>Start Time: 1:00 PM</p><p>End Time: 4:00 PM</p><p>Location: Eastville Park</p><p>Meeting Point: This month's walk is to Snuff Mills, we will be meeting by the tennis courts in Eastville Park, Fishponds Rd, Eastville, Bristol BS5 6XA.</p><p></p><p></p><embed alt="snuffy2.jpg" embedtype="image" format="fullwidth" id="203"/><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Please arrive around 12.45pm, call Duncan on 07772330627 if running late or to locate the group.<br/>We will aim to start the walk around 1.15pm.</p><p>We will take a leisurely stroll across Eastville Park, and through to Snuff Mills.</p><p>At Snuff Mills there is a hut by the carpark where snacks and drinks can be purchased.</p><p>We will aim to stop at the hut in Snuff Mills around 2.30pm.<br/>We will walk back to Eastville Park and aim to finish around 4pm.</p><p>Locations will change every month and will rotate.<br/>Next sessions are: Brandon Tower, Ashton Court, Bristol Docks, Clifton Bridge, Arnos Vale.</p><p>This social is weather dependent.<br/>Please check the main Diverse page or this link on the day & hours leading up to the start time in case the social is cancelled.</p><p>Please bring along your own camera or use your smartphone to take pictures.</p><p>Remember to bring:<br/>- camera or smart phone<br/>- waterproofs/umbrella<br/>- ear protection if you are sound sensitive<br/>- pack lunch</p><p>Please email Duncan@diverseuk.org if you have any questions.</p><p></p><p>If you would like to, please share your photos on our <a href="http://www.instagram.com/diverseuk.autism">instagram page</a>.</p><p></p><p></p><p>Upcoming dates for your diary</p><hr/><p></p><ul><li>Tuesday 18th February 2025 (Eastville Park to Snuff Mills)</li></ul><p></p>
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02/18/2025 06:00 PM
02/18/2025 10:00 PM
Diverse Bristol D & D Tabletop Social
<p></p><p>Date: Takes place on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month.</p><p>Start Time: 6:00 PM</p><p>End Time: 10:00 PM</p><p><b>Location: Toto’s by the river. 125 Redcliff Street, Bristol, BS1 6HU</b></p><p><a href="https://www.facebook.com/totosbytheriver/?locale=en_GB">Toto's Facebook Page</a>:</p><hr/><p></p><p><b>*** Important announcement ***</b></p><p></p><p>Due to the Mana House closing down we are relocating to Totos By The River.</p><p>We have hired the upstairs area only.</p><p>Marie is there to assist and support.</p><p>The DM's - Dan, Kieran, Naomi & Dan are all well experienced DM's, they each create separate fantastic and fun D&D sessions.</p><p>We are going to be asking each D&D player for £5 from to help cover the cost of the running of the group.</p><p>Card accepted preferred.</p><p>Please note: Upstairs is unfortunately not wheelchair accessible however there is a small set of stairs leading up to the terrace & if wheelchair isn't too heavy, staff can assist getting it up to the owner. We are looking into more accessibility in the near future.</p><p></p><p>The Diverse Bristol Dungeons & Dragons tabletop gaming evening is open to all levels from beginner to veteran player.</p><p>It is also a safe place to hang out, meet new people and get involved in some tabletop games, board games, miniature painting (available to purchase) and arts and crafts (bring own materials)</p><p>The venue even have some awesome hand painted miniatures that can be hired by the hour at a very reasonable price.</p><p>𝗔𝗿𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗹<br/>Arrival is from 6:00pm, but you are welcome to pop along any time during the evening that suits you. If you have arranged to play or want to play in a game/campaign, please arrive by 6:30pm latest.</p><p>𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗔𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀<br/>There are several D&D campaigns currently running, we will be offering spaces for other games during the evening (that are super new-player friendly) as well as creative activities like story writing, map drawing, character creation too.</p><p>𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴<br/>You don’t need to bring any equipment, gaming supplies or books. We’ve got everything you need. Just bring some money to pay for your D&D session if playing (£5 cash or card) and also some money to buy food and drinks.</p><p></p><p>𝗙𝗼𝗼𝗱<br/>Food and drink are available to purchase at very reasonable prices and there is a fully stocked bar.</p><p>Bring along a friend too if you like, especially if they are interested in learning to play D&D, beginners and experienced players are all welcome!</p><p>If you have any questions please email <a href="mailto:Marie@diverseuk.org">Marie@diverseuk.org</a> or <a href="mailto:Duncan@diverseuk.org">Duncan@diverseuk.org</a><br/></p><hr/><p></p><p>There are currently 3 DM’s who are :</p><ul><li>Naomi</li><li>Dan</li><li>Kieran</li></ul><p>Depending on whom is DM'ing and who are running 4 to 5 Campaigns / games</p><p>Arrival is from 6:00pm, but you are welcome to pop along any time during the evening that suits you. If you have arranged to play in a campaign/game, please do arrive by 6:30pm.</p><p>You will need to pay £5 to Marie in order to play.</p><p>The new venue has just been newly renovated and meets all of our needs and requirements.</p><p>It is much bigger, serves lots of different options of reasonably priced food and drinks.</p><p>As well as D&D, there is also creative activities like story writing, map drawing, character creation area and miniature figure painting will be at the front of the venue in the shop area.</p><p>The Diverse Bristol Dungeons & Dragons tabletop gaming evening is open to all levels from beginner to veteran player.</p><p>It’s a place to hang out, meet new people and get involved in some tabletop games and crafts.</p><p>Check the Diverse events page to see upcoming dates.</p><p></p><p></p><h3><b>**What is Dungeons and Dragons?**</b></h3><p>Dungeons and Dragons is a very popular tabletop role-playing game, or **tabletop RPG** for short.</p><p>Tabletop RPGs involve a number of players taking on the roles of characters living in an imagined world that is described and run by a **game master**.</p><p>A game master describes the world, from elven cities to futuristic spaceships to Cthulhu horror, and the players in-turn describe how their characters act.</p><p>A game master might dramatically announce the arrival of a fearsome dragon, and the players each describe how they hide, run, fight, or whatever they would like to do in that situation.</p><p>Most RPGs have a system of dice-rolling to decide whether actions are successful or not.</p><p>Characters can have stats that make them better or worse at different skills, which can help or hinder them in their dice rolls.</p><p>There are hundreds of different tabletop RPGs, with different themes, rules and stories for you to try.</p><p></p><p>Upcoming dates for your diary</p><hr/><p></p><p></p><ul><li>Tuesday 18th February 2025</li><li>Tuesday 4th March 2025</li><li>Tuesday 18th March 2025</li><li>Tuesday 1st April 2025</li><li>Tuesday 15th April 2025</li><li>Tuesday 6th May 2025</li><li>Tuesday 20th May 2025</li><li>Tuesday 3rd June 2025</li><li>Tuesday 17th June 2025</li></ul><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>
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02/19/2025 04:30 PM
02/19/2025 07:30 PM
Diverse Bristol Board Games Social At Toto's
<p>Facebook: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/totosbytheriver/">totoswinebar</a></p><p>Location: <b>Toto’s By the River Wine Bar (upstairs)</b>.</p><p>Address: 125 Redcliff St, Redcliffe, Bristol BS1 6HU</p><p></p><p></p><p>Every 3rd weds of the month.</p><p>Start Time: 4:30 PM</p><p>End Time: 7:30 PM</p><p></p><p>The Mana House is now closed, therefore we have relocated to Toto's By The River, The Landing, 125 Redcliff St, Redcliffe, Bristol BS1 6HU.</p><p>Ryan McGrath is the group leader and Alex K is the group assistant.</p><p>You can email Ryan <a href="mailto:ryan@diverseuk.org">here</a></p><p>We have hired the upstairs area.</p><p>A few board games are provided by Diverse, however please feel free to bring along your own games, cards, joy cons and Pokemon TCG, if you prefer.</p><p>Tasty food and drinks are available at very reasonable prices.<br/>There is also a fully stocked bar.</p><p>If you have any questions please email <a href="mailto:Marie@diverseuk.org">Marie@diverseuk.org</a></p><p></p><p>We look forward to seeing you all there.</p><p></p><hr/><p><br/>Upcoming Dates For Your Diary</p><hr/><p></p><p></p><ul><li>Wednesday 19th February 2025</li><li>Wednesday 19th March 2025</li><li>Wednesday 16th April 2025</li><li>Wednesday 21st May 2025</li><li>Wednesday 18th June 2025</li></ul><p></p><p></p><p></p>
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02/27/2025 02:00 PM
02/27/2025 05:00 PM
Diverse Bristol GAME Belong Social
<p></p><h2>The Diverse Bristol GAME Belong Social.</h2><p><br/><b>No need to book</b>!<br/>Pizza is often provided too!!<br/>Every 4th Thursday of the month</p><p>Venue: GAME Belong</p><p>Time: 2:00 PM to 5:00PM</p><p>Location: GAME Belong Bristol, 23 Merchant St, Broadmead, Bristol BS1 3EP.</p><p>Prices: Please refer to website (see below)</p><p>Website: <a href="https://www.belong.gg/arenas/bristol-city-centre/">Game Belong Bristol</a><br/></p><p></p><p>You can arrive at anytime from 2 pm, you can buy a block of 3 hours play time for a great price.</p><p>We have limited spaces so please arrive early if you want to sit and play in the Diverse reserved area.</p><p></p><p>However, there are plenty of other spaces in the gaming arena that aren't within the Diverse Social reserved area that you are welcome to sit in too.</p><p>If you have any questions or you would like Marie to meet you beforehand and welcome you into the group then please email at <a href="mailto:Marie@diverseuk.org">Marie@diverseuk.org</a><br/>We hire out the whole of the top back area<br/>Arrive anytime from 2pm, your game session will be at a special discounted rate, only £5 per hour (membership for a month is also £15) .<br/>There are now extra couches in the back area for those wanting to play together or sit on a comfy couch.<br/>We have plenty of spaces, however please arrive early if you want to sit and play in the Diverse reserved area<br/>However, there are plenty of other spaces in the gaming arena that aren't within the Diverse Social reserved area that you are welcome to sit in too</p><p></p><p></p><p>Upcoming dates for your diary</p><hr/><p></p><p></p><ul><li>Thursday 27th February 2025</li><li>Thursday 27th March 2025</li><li>Thursday 24th April 2025</li><li>Thursday 22nd May 2025</li></ul><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>
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03/03/2025 01:00 PM
03/03/2025 03:00 PM
Diverse Bristol Tennis Fun Club
<h2><b>Diverse Bristol Tennis Fun Club</b></h2><hr/><p></p><p>It will take place every 1st Monday of the month.</p><p></p><p>Start time: 1:00 PM Please arrive around 12:45 PM)</p><p>End time: 3:00 PM</p><p>Location: Kings Tennis Club, Maplemeade, Bishopston, Bristol BS7 8JG</p><p>Website: <a href="https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/KingsTennisClub">Kings Tennis Club</a></p><p></p><p>The tennis fun club leader is called Alistair.</p><p>For more information, please text Alistair on 07702677783 with your name.</p><p>Dates may change from month to month so please check our <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/diverseuk.autism">Facebook</a> events list or the newsletter.</p><p></p><p>Equipment is provided, but there are limited places so sign up as soon as possible. .</p><p>We may be able to use the clubhouse if weather is temporarily difficult or we could change the date to the following Monday if weather is clearly going to be very difficult.</p><p></p><p>If you have any questions please email <a href="mailto:Harry@diverseuk.org">Harry</a> at DiverseUK</p><p>Upcoming dates for your diary</p><hr/><p></p><p></p><ul><li>Monday 3rd March 2025</li><li>Monday 7th April 2025</li><li>Monday 5th May 2025</li><li>Monday 2nd June 2025</li></ul><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>
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03/04/2025 04:00 PM
03/04/2025 07:00 PM
Diverse Yate Pop Inn Cafe Social
<p>The Diverse Yate pop inn cafe social is a new social set up for people to meet and chat, play games or to bring other activities such as arts & crafts.</p><p>Diverse has hired the entire space for three hours, This is a large capacity space, so <b>no need to book</b>.</p><p>This is a free event.</p><p>Some board games provided, but you are welcome to bring your own Games and Activities.</p><p>There is a small kitchen area to make drinks.</p><p>Some tea / coffee and biscuits provided. but feel free to bring your own drinks and food if you like. As there is no food available to purchase.</p><p></p><p>Occurs on the 1st Tuesday of the month</p><p></p><p>Location: The shopping centre, West Walk, Yate, Bristol BS374AX</p><p>Time : 4pm - 7pm</p><p></p><hr/><p>Upcoming dates for your diary</p><p></p><p></p><ul><li>Tuesday 4th March 2025</li><li>Tuesday 1st April 2025</li><li>Tuesday 6th May 2025</li><li>Tuesday 3rd June 2025</li></ul><p></p><p></p><p></p>
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03/25/2025 06:00 PM
09/24/2024 09:30 PM
Diverse Bristol Nightclub Event with Karaoke at Basement 45
<h3>Club Night and Live Music</h3><hr/><p></p><p>The group meets on the fourth Tuesday of every second or third month.</p><p>Live music and DJs. Arrive anytime from 6pm</p><p>Location: Basement45 is at 8 Frogmore Street, Bristol BS1 5NA.</p><p>Start time: 6:00 PM</p><p>End time: 9:30 PM</p><p>Website: <a href="https://www.basement45.co.uk/">Basement45</a></p><p>Admission fee: £5.</p><p></p><p><b>PLEASE NOTE</b>: You must be over 18 to attend this event.</p><p></p><h3>The Club Night Social will now be every 2 - 3 Months, please check below for upcoming dates.</h3><p></p><p>ASD, LD & disability friendly social event set in Bristol's oldest nightclub.</p><p>There is a £5 entry fee. Please bring a credit or debit card as we are trying to go cashless as much as possible.</p><p>There are 3 rooms with different music, a chill out area to the right of the main bar area. There's also a room called the Den with tables and seats at the back of room 2 where there will be some food & snacks provided for the super special Diverse Club Night Welcome Back Party.</p><p>The live music will take place in the main room from 8pm onwards.</p><p>Snacks are not usually provided.</p><p>There is a fully stocked bar with alcoholic and soft drinks available.</p><p>Free tea & coffee is also available to PA's.</p><p>Please specify if you are bringing a PA, a friend or a family member along with you for support.</p><p>If you have any questions please email <a href="mailto:Marie@diverseuk.org">Marie@diverseuk.org</a></p><p>There is no need to book</p><p>Many Thanks<br/>The Diverse Team<br/>Marie, Andrew & Harry</p><p></p><p>Come along and have a dance, drink, maybe meet a few new people or just sit and listen.</p><h4></h4><p>Upcoming dates for you diary are:</p><hr/><p></p><p></p><ul><li>Tuesday 25th March 2025</li></ul><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>
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01/01/2099 12:00 AM
01/01/2099 12:00 AM
SS Great Britain
<p>Would you like to go as a small group to the SS Great Britain ?</p><p></p><embed alt="ssgreatbritain.jpg" embedtype="image" format="left" id="256"/><p></p><p>We may be able to find a quieter time to go and also to achieve cheaper ticket for us !</p><p></p><p>If you would be interested in coming along possibly on a Sunday or weekday evening then please text SHIP to <a href="tel:07795490730">07795490730</a> or email <a href="mailto:andrew.powell@diverseuk.org">andrew.powell@diverseuk.org</a></p><p></p>